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20+ Facebook Giveaway Ideas Proven to Get Big Results

26 Facebook Giveaway Ideas Proven to Get Big Results 2024

Written By: author image Stacey Corrin
author image Stacey Corrin
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.
     Reviewed By: John Turner
reviewer image John Turner
John Turner is the co-founder of RafflePress. He has over 20+ years of business and development experience and his plugins have been downloaded over 25 million times.

Want to attract more followers, engagement, and customers on Facebook? Running a giveaway is one of the most effective tactics, but coming up with creative ideas can be tough.

This article provides 26 authentic Facebook giveaway ideas to help you grow your page in 2024 and beyond. These examples and case studies will inspire you to launch campaigns that captivate your audience and achieve real results.

Giveaway IdeaProsConsBest For
Click to WinEasy, drives trafficLower engagementBrand awareness, promoting products
Comment to EnterBoosts engagementRequires moderationActive communities
Trivia QuestionFun, identifies top fansMay alienate someEstablished products, educational
Email NewsletterGrows email listMay attract freebie-seekersBuilding an email list
Product PhotoSocial proof, promotional materialRequires moderationVisually appealing products
Mystery PrizeCreates excitementMay not appeal to everyonePromoting multiple products
Share a HackValuable content, educates customersRequires effort from participantsVersatile products
Visit Facebook GroupDrives traffic to groupNot suitable for all brandsBrands with active groups
Caption ContestCreative, engagingRequires effortStrong visual identity
Guess/Name the ProductExciting, promotes awarenessMay be too difficultNew products, highly involved audience
Voting ContestHighlights popular products, drives salesMay be less creativeMultiple products, product feedback
Refer a FriendViral potential, expands reachNeeds a high-value prizeRapid growth
Share a SelfieHumanizes brand, user-generated contentMay not appeal to everyoneProducts used personally
Pick Favorite ProductGathers product feedback, promotes specific itemsMay not generate as much excitementMultiple product lines
Share and Caption PhotoCreative, showcases product in useRequires more effortVisually-focused brands
Complete a SurveyGathers valuable dataMay require incentiveMarket research
Share a MemoryEvokes nostalgia, emotional connectionMay not be relevant to all brandsBrands with history or legacy
Fill in the BlankEasy, quick engagementMay not be as creative as other optionsAll brands
Share a RecipeVersatile (can be tied to seasons/holidays), UGCMay not be relevant to all brandsFood/cooking-related brands, seasonal promotions
In-Store GiveawayDrives foot traffic, incentivizes purchasesLimited to businesses with physical locationsBrick-and-mortar stores
Like/Follow EntriesLow-barrier entry, increases exposureOptional, may not significantly boost participationGaining followers
Partner with BrandsExpands reach to new audiences, bigger prizesRequires coordination and agreement with partnersComplementary brands
GamificationAdds excitement, encourages participationRequires additional setup and toolsEngaging with younger audiences
Charity Tie-InGives back, aligns with values, positive PRMay require additional effort and resourcesSocially conscious brands
Milestone GiveawayCelebrates achievements, rewards loyal customersRequires reaching a significant milestoneAnniversaries, follower milestones

But first, let’s address the most important question: how do you do a giveaway on Facebook?

How Do I Do a Giveaway on Facebook?

Running a contest or giveaway on Facebook might seem difficult. But with a clear plan, it’s easier than you think.

Here are the key steps for running a Giveaway on Facebook:

  1. Choose a Giveaway Tool: Don’t rely on asking for likes and shares – this can violate Facebook’s rules. Use a dedicated contest tool like RafflePress to ensure compliance and streamline the process.
  2. Select an Enticing Prize: The key to a successful giveaway is a prize your target audience will genuinely want. Think about their interests and needs.
  3. Set Clear Goals and Rules: What do you want to achieve with your giveaway (more followers, leads, sales)? Establish clear rules that are easy to understand and follow.
  4. Create a Timeline: Decide on the giveaway duration (1 week, 2 weeks, etc.) to create a sense of urgency.
  5. Promote, Promote, Promote!: Get the word out on Facebook, your website, and other social media channels to maximize participation.
facebook giveaway

For a more in-depth guide, follow our tutorial on how to do a giveaway on Facebook.

Best Facebook Giveaway Ideas & Examples

If you’re constantly asking yourself, “What are good Facebook giveaway ideas?” You’ve come to the right place. Below, we share the types of competition ideas for your Facebook page and small business that are guaranteed to drive traffic, leads, and sales as part of your digital marketing strategy.

automatic entry contest ideas

The simplest giveaway idea is an easy click for a chance to win the contest. All participants need to do to enter is visit a website URL.

Furthermore, this contest type is a great way to drive more traffic to a specific page on your site, like a product or special offer. It also helps raise your brand’s awareness through a social media contest, making it an excellent idea for even the smallest businesses.

How Do I Do It?

Use the Visit a Page or Automatic Entries actions in RafflePress as ways for participants to enter.

Visit a Page

Here’s a run-down of each action:

  • Visit a Page – This allows you to require contestants to visit a specific page in exchange for entries.
  • Automatic Entries – Let visitors enter automatically without performing any other actions.
Automatic entry option in RafflePress

You can learn about giveaway actions in the documentation here.

2. Comment to Enter Facebook Giveaway

Comment on blog giveaway idea for Facebook

Bloggers will enjoy this Facebook giveaway idea because it gets people interacting with your blog. To enter, participants need to visit a blog post and leave a comment in return for an entry.

This is a great way to drive traffic to your blog and encourage on-site engagement. Blog comments act as social proof to reassure visitors that you’re an authority in your niche. Plus, it’s an excellent way to build relationships with your readers and increase engagement through content marketing.

How Do I Do It?

Use the Leave a Comment action in RafflePress for participants to paste the URL of their blog comment.

Leave a blog comment giveaway entry

3. Answer a Trivia Question Facebook Giveaway

Answer a question contest idea example

Here, we have a Facebook contest idea that tests your community’s product knowledge by getting them to participate in some trivia. Examples like this make great game giveaway ideas for Facebook.

You can have people answer a question related to your product to enter. If you want to test them, ask them to answer multiple questions for additional entries.

There are many benefits to running a trivia contest on Facebook, including:

  • Test how well fans know your products
  • Identify where you need to provide more product information
  • Discover top fans you can select as brand ambassadors or influencers
  • And, of course, get more Facebook followers through referrals

A popular Facebook giveaway might even help improve your organic reach.

How Do I Do It?

To set up this type of contest, use the Answer a Question entry option in RafflePress, which lets visitors enter an answer to a question you specify.

Answer a question action in RafflePress

Plus, you can optionally verify the answer they enter is correct to make it easier to choose a lucky winner.

4. Subscribe to an Email Newsletter Facebook Giveaway

subscribe to newsletter facebook giveaway ideas

Did you know that you can also use contests on Facebook to grow your email list? It may not seem obvious, but having this entry method can increase the number of people subscribed to your newsletter.

Plus, once they’re on your list, you have a direct connection to their inbox to send them future news and offers.

How Do I Do It?

This one is pretty easy. RafflePress’s Join Newsletter action lets you require people to sign up for your list in exchange for an entry.

Join an email newsletter entry action

If you Toggle the Trigger on Sign Up option, users can be automatically added to your email list when they enter the giveaway.

5. Post a Product Photo Facebook Giveaway

Facebook giveaway ideas where participants upload photos using the product

Now, we’re getting into user-generated content (UGC), using your fans’ content to create a buzz about your product or service. A Facebook photo contest is a great way to do this.

For this good Facebook giveaway idea, you can get your Facebook fans to upload a photo they’ve taken of themselves using your product. You could even turn it into a video contest with short video clips.

It educates potential customers on the many use cases for your products and gives you plenty of promotional material to use in the future (with the owner’s consent).

Learn how to run a photo contest on Facebook here.

How Do I Do It?

Submit a photo action

You can collect UGC by using RafflePress’s Submit an Image action. This action allows visitors to upload an image or photo directly.

6. Pick a Mystery Prize Facebook Giveaway

Mystery prize facebook giveaway ideas

For Facebook giveaway ideas that are a little more creative, why not have fans choose from a range of mystery prizes to enter? That way, if they’re picked as a winner, they get their mystery choice for free.

This can be a great way to promote a range of seasonal products or even give away old stock or gift cards.

How Do I Do It?

For this idea, you can use the RafflePress Polls and Survey action to let visitors vote for which mystery prize they’d like as a grand prize.

Polls and Surveys action

Add a clear image with each prize numbered and those numbers to the poll.

7. Share a [Product] Hack Facebook Giveaway

Share a tip facebook giveaway ideas

Everyone loves a good beauty tip or life hack. So why not include them in your giveaways, too?

It’s the perfect way to get your fans involved in something fun and exciting. In future Facebook posts, you can promote your products with actionable hacks customers can use themselves using a relevant hashtag.

How Do I Do It?

Use the Leave a Comment entry option in RafflePress to let them submit their tips and hacks. Then, you can randomly choose a winner from all entries.

But if you want to go a step further, offer a special prize for the best hack and feature it on your Facebook Page.

8. Visit a Facebook Group Giveaway

facebook giveaway ideas group contest

Facebook groups have fast become an effective way to grow your Facebook presence. They can be linked to your page and are a great place to generate conversations around your brand.

Use them by having entrants visit your group to enter your competition. Don’t make it a requirement for people to join, as this may go against those rules we mentioned earlier. This Facebook group competition idea is bound to generate tons of entries.

Related: How WPForms Got 11K+ Facebook Group Members with RafflePress

How Do I Do It?

It’s pretty simple to direct people to your Facebook Group with RafflePress.

Visit on Facebook Action

Use the Visit Us on Facebook action and paste your group URL into the appropriate field. When people click it, they’ll go straight to your group.

9. Caption a Photo Contest on Facebook

caption a photo contest

Photo captions are a super-creative way to get fans involved in your giveaway. It’s a fun way to create a conversation around your product or service.

The idea behind a photo caption contest is for participants to develop a fun or quirky phrase to accompany the image.

How Do I Do It?

You can use the Leave a Comment action in the RafflePress editor for this type of contest, easily letting people enter their captions.

Then, you can pick a winner with the best caption or the random winner generator.

10. Guess the Product Facebook Giveaway

Guess what contest

Want to make your followers work for a chance to win a cool prize? Post an obscured photo of your product and ask people to guess what it is to enter.

Alternatively, you could disguise the product as something else to get people’s brains working.

The pros of this type of contest are that it gets people thinking hard about your products. You never know; they might discover something interesting you haven’t thought of yourself.

How Do I Do It?

You can use 2 RafflePress actions to run this contest, which are as follows:

  1. Leave a Comment – Have people enter their best guess in a comment.
  2. Surveys and Polls – Give people a range of answers to choose from.

11. Name the Product Facebook Giveaway

Name the product Facebook giveaway idea

Something similar to the previous idea that still gets peoples’ creative juices flowing is to have them come up with a name for your product.

This is ideal for launching a new range because the winner becomes part of it with their name choice.

How Do I Do It?

Setting up this contest is similar to the previous idea using the following actions in RafflePress:

  1. Leave a Comment – Let people add their ideas to your Facebook comments.
  2. Polls and Surveys – Maintain more creative control by asking users to choose from various options.

12. Facebook Voting Contest

Facebook voting giveaway

This method is one of the best Facebook giveaway ideas for driving new product sales. If you pair it with a discount code or coupon code for the lucky winner, it can generate many contest shares and entries.

It highlights which of your products is the most popular with your audience to promote it better in the future.

How Do I Do It?

The simplest way to run a voting giveaway is to use the Polls and Surveys action in RafflePress. Ensure you include a clear image labeling each choice so people can pick the best one.

13. Refer a Friend Facebook Giveaway

The most powerful way to have your contest go viral is to get people to share it with others quickly. The faster people share it, the quicker people will see it and enter, creating an upward spiral of viral content.

How Do I Do It?

To help your content go viral, use RaRafflePress’s built-in Refer A Friend action.

Viral refer a friend action

This lets participants refer other visitors via various social media outlets and email to gain more entries.

Related: How SeedProd 3X Their Sales with Viral RafflePress Contests

14. Share a Selfie Facebook Giveaway

Selfie contest

We all know that the selfie is the queen of all images on social media. And whether you love them or hate them, they’re a great tool to leverage in a contest.

What’s more, they put a human face to your product or service, which resonates with customers more than a simple product shot.

How Do I Do It?

To run a selfie contest, get participants to upload a selfie with your product or using your service.

You can do this easily with the Submit a Photo action in RafflePress mentioned earlier. You can even use the Share on Facebook action as a bonus contest entry to help spread the word about your giveaway.

15. Pick Your Favorite Product Facebook Giveaway

Facebook giveaway ideas: choose your favorite product

Earlier, we discussed how you could get Facebook fans to choose the best product from a range to win a prize. But in this method, why not get people to pick their favorite product from an entire range?

Besides raising awareness about a product, you can ask people to include testimonials on why it’s their favorite, boosting sales.

How Do I Do It?

You can run this type of competition in a few ways using entry actions in RafflePress, including:

  • Leave a Comment – Get people to comment with their favorite and explain why.
  • Surveys and Polls – Let people choose their favorite from various options.
  • Ask a Question – Ask fans what their favorite is and let them pick an appropriate answer.

16. Share and Caption Your Photo on Facebook

Photo with caption giveaway ideas

We’ve also talked about caption contests in this article. But the truth is people are more creative than we give them credit for.

That said, a way to show off your fans’ creativity is to have them snap their own photo featuring your product and caption it. Then, you can feature some of the best in a roundup blog post or on a page on your website.

How Do I Do It?

The simple option in RafflePress is to use the Submit a Photo action and ask entrants to rename their photo files with the image caption.

This will ensure your people read the requirements correctly so you get quality entries.

17. Complete a Survey Facebook Giveaway

Facebook giveaway with a survey

Surveys are the best way to gather helpful information about your target market. You can ask questions about your audience’s demographics, product preferences, etc.

A simple way to improve survey responses is to offer a prize for filling one in. And it’s easier than you might think to do.

How Do I Do It?

If your survey is short, sweet, and simple, you can use the Surveys and Polls action I described earlier.

But if it’s a more complex survey, you can use the Visit a Page action to send people to a page on your website where you’ve added a survey built with a tool like WPForms.

18. Share a Memory Facebook Giveaway

Share a memory facebook contest ideas

Remember the good old days when things seemed brighter, better, and more fun? Nostalgia is a wonderful way to connect emotionally with your customers.

Ask your Facebook fans to share a memory related to your product. Or get them to write what their younger self would have done with it to drive more engagement on your page.

How Do I Do It?

The Leave a Comment RafflePress action is the best choice for this Facebook giveaway idea. And it gives users space to sell that memory in the most convincing way possible.

19. Fill in The Blank Facebook Giveaway

Fill in the blank Facebook giveaway contest ideas

Now, we don’t all have the time to reflect on better days. Sometimes, we just want to enter a contest and go.

For this type of audience, a simple fill-in-the-blank game giveaway idea is just the thing you need. It gets people to engage with you and raises product awareness without taking time.

How Do I Do It?

Write a simple phrase about your product or service, leaving part of the sentence blank. For instance, you could write:

“All cats love [product] because it’s perfect for fixing ___.”

Then, have people enter their answers for the missing word using the Invent Your Own or Leave a Comment entry action in RafflePress.

20. Share a Recipe Facebook Giveaway

Share a recipe Facebook contest ideas

All brands and businesses can use our next giveaway idea. The premise is simple: get people to share a recipe to win a prize.

But how can all brands use this method? Well, you can tap into the seasons and hijack the holidays.

How Do I Do It?

Any business can run a contest celebrating Christmas, Easter, or Thanksgiving.

Pair it up with a discount or free product, and have entrants share their favorite recipes to win. Then, they can submit recipes using the Leave a Comment option in RafflePress.

21. In-Store Giveaway

If you’re a business with a physical location, there’s no reason why you can’t use it as a source of Facebook giveaway ideas.

facebook contest ideas: in-store contest

In Claire’s contest example, they easily linked their physical store to their Facebook contest by having entrants get their ears pierced in-store and then sharing their email addresses for a chance to win earrings for life.

How Do I Do It?

You can also easily run an in-store giveaway by setting up the Invent Your Own entry option in the RafflePress widget.

When entrants visit your store, you can have them enter a purchase code, email address, or other proof of the visit.

Another way to confirm their visit in person is to get fans to snap a selfie in your store and then upload it via the Submit a Photo option.

22. “Like a Post” or “Follow Our Page” Entries

Facebook like a post giveaway

While you can’t force entrants to like your posts or follow your page on Facebook, you can offer them as an optional way to increase entries.

This is a low-barrier method to gain wider exposure and encourage people interested in your brand to stay connected. Plus, by seeing your page in their feed, they might be more inclined to enter future contests.

How Do I Do It?

For this entry option, you can use the RafflePress “Like us on Facebook” or “Follow us on Facebook” actions for an easy setup.

Like our Facebook page entry option

23. Partnering with Complementary Brands

Brand partnership contest

Think about other businesses with a target audience similar to yours but which aren’t direct competitors. By joining forces with these brands in a giveaway, you’ll gain exposure to a whole new pool of potential customers, and it’ll help you offer an even bigger and more enticing prize bundle.

For example, if you sell yoga accessories, you could partner with a local yoga studio or an eco-conscious clothing brand for a wellness-focused giveaway.

How Do I Do It?

Reach out to complementary brands via email or social media to discuss collaboration. Decide on a prize, rules, and how you’ll promote the giveaway together. To simplify the process, use RafflePress to set up a giveaway with multiple sponsors.

24. Gamification Elements

Spin to win contest

Add an extra layer of excitement and encourage more participation by incorporating gamification into your Facebook giveaways. This could include:

  • Instant Win: Let people know there’s a chance to instantly win a smaller prize when they enter.
  • Spin-the-Wheel: Give users a virtual “wheel” to spin with discounts or prizes.
  • Points Systems: Award points for various actions (entry, sharing, referring friends) to unlock rewards.

How Do I Do It?

Explore contest platforms or plugins that offer gamification functionalities alongside standard giveaway mechanics. For example, every RafflePress action has the option to award a specific number of entries for completing each task.

25. Charity/Non-Profit Tie-Ins

Charity facebook giveaway ideas

Giveaways can be a powerful way to give back and align your brand with causes that matter to your audience. You could partner with a charity or non-profit for a giveaway like this:

  • Donate a Portion of Sales: Pledge a percentage of sales from a specific campaign or timeframe to be donated.
  • Prize Tied to the Cause: Offer a prize package supporting the charity (items from their shop, experiences related to their mission).
  • Matching Donations: Match all entrants’ donations up to a certain amount.

How Do I Do It?

Reach out to a charity that resonates with you, explain your giveaway idea, and ensure your values align. RafflePress can help you handle entry methods and prize selection.

26. Milestone Giveaways

Milestone giveaway idea

Celebrate your business reaching important milestones with a giveaway to thank your loyal customers. This could be tied to:

  • Follower Count: Run a contest when you hit a specific number of Facebook followers.
  • Anniversary: Celebrate your company anniversary with a special prize.
  • Sales Goal: Reward customers when you reach a significant sales target.

How Do I Do It?

Use standard RafflePress giveaway actions and frame your messaging around celebrating the milestone with your fans.

Bonus Idea: Make a Giveaway Feed Widget

Another great tip to help your small business website integrate with Facebook is to add a Facebook feed widget to it.

With Smash Balloon, the best WordPress social media feed plugin, you can showcase your Facebook feed automatically on your website. This can help create a buzz around your brand and boost your sales.

Facebook feed widget example

By using this strategy, you can promote your Facebook giveaway to a wider audience and encourage them to engage with your social media platforms through your website.

To configure this feature, read this comprehensive guide on how to create a Facebook feed widget on WordPress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I require participants to share my Facebook giveaway on their timelines?

According to Facebook’s guidelines, you cannot require participants to share your Facebook giveaway on their timeline as a condition of entry. However, you can encourage them to share the post voluntarily and offer extra entries or chances to win as an incentive.

Can I ask participants to tag their friends in my Facebook giveaway?

You are free to encourage people to tag their friends, but you can’t make it a requirement of entry. For instance, “Don’t forget to tag your friends who would love to enter!” would be allowed, but “Tag your friend for a chance to win” would be breaking the rules.

Can I use Facebook Live for my giveaway announcement?

Yes, you can use Facebook Live to announce the winner of your giveaway and engage with your audience. Facebook Live can add an interactive and authentic element to your giveaway, allowing you to answer questions, showcase your brand, and celebrate the winner in real time.

Can I run multiple Facebook giveaways at the same time?

While there isn’t a specific limit to the number of Facebook giveaways you can run, it’s important to balance your resources, time, and audience attention. Running too many giveaways at the same time can dilute your message, confuse your audience, and reduce the effectiveness of each campaign.

It’s better to focus on one or a few giveaways that align with your business goals and audience interests.

And there you have it!

In this article, we’ve covered over 21 Facebook giveaway ideas proven to generate huge results for your business.

So what are you waiting for?

But if you’re looking for even more ways to promote your product, check this tutorial out.

And don’t forget to follow us on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook for more great tips to grow your business.

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Stacey Corrin Writer
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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