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RafflePress Changelog

2024-05-22 – 1.12.15
Fix – Added token to verify an action is from the correct contestant
Fix – Readme file text updates

2024-04-19 – 1.12.14

Update – Fixed bug reported by  Krugov Artyom of Cleantalk

2024-04-11 – 1.12.13

Update – Fixed bug reported by  Krugov Artyom of Cleantalk

2024-03-09 – 1.12.11

Update – Security hardening of IP limit feature

2024-02-29 – 1.12.7

Added – Action Hooks
Update – Security hardening

2024-01-16 – 1.12.5

Update – Only allow admin to view Giveaway Previews

2023-12-13 – 1.12.4

Added – Ability to exclude X-Forward headers
Added – Image URL to exports
Fixed – Image entry pagination

2023-11-07 – 1.12.3

Fix – Edge case for MySQL – STRICT_ALL_TABLES

2023-10-09 – 1.12.2

Tweak – Sanitize Output

2023-09-12 – 1.12.1

Added = Trustpilot Entry Action
Added = G2 Entry Action
Added = Capterra Entry Action
Added = Ability to show different URL with Daily Leave a Comment Action
Added – Uncanny Automator Support
Updated – Twitter to X branding
Updated – Show minutes on return time for Daily Entires
Fixed – Gutenberg Block Preview with lastest version of WP
Fixed – Invalidation of Multiple Entries

2023-04-10 – 1.11.4

Added =- Inline Help
Fixed – Issue with Multiple Images

2023-01-11 – 1.11.3

Fixed – Issue with Preview Link and Security Update

2022-08-08 – 1.11.1

Fixed – Issue with TikTok starter template.

2022-05-02 – 1.11.0

Added – TikTok Follow Action
Added – Watch TikTok Video Action

2022-03-08 – 1.10.0

Added – Ability to Limit the number of referrals on Refer A Friend actions.
Added – FluentCRM Integration

2021-09-28 – 1.9.0

Added – Webhooks
Added – Moosend Integration

2021-08-17 – 1.8.4

Fixed – Missing Pot File

2021-08-10 – 1.8.3

Fixed – Issue with Instagram Posts
Fixed – Link dialog box not being displayed when lining text.
Fixed – LinkedIn Username translation

2021-07-20 – 1.8.2

  • Fixed – Added Missing Twitch Translations

2021-07-20 – 1.8.1

  • Tweak – Remove unused vendor folder

2021-07-20 – 1.8.0

  • Added – Subscribe to Podcast
  • Added – Follow on Twitch Action
  • Tweak – Improved Export for Large Datasets
  • Fixed – Daily Entries Bug

2021-06-21 – 1.7.3

  • Tweak – Removed unused notification

2021 – 1.7.2

  • Tweak – Made poll action fields require at least one answer
  • Tweak – Sanitation and security hardening on queries


  • Added – Mailchimp tag support
  • Added – MailerLite Support
  • Added – Sendinblue Support
  • Added – Campaign Monitor Support
  • Added – Mad Mimi Support
  • Added – iContact Support
  • Added – Sendy Support

2021-4-25 – 1.7.1

  • Fix – Some mobile browsers using web view were not recording facebook page visits.

2021-4-20 – 1.7.0

  • Added – Facebook Share Button
  • Added – Facebook Like Button
  • Added – expired and missing license key product education

2021-3-15 – 1.6.0

  • Added – Entries Report
  • Changed – Added filter to top level menu position ‘rafflepress_top_level_menu_postion’
  • Changed -Do not perform success redirect if a url is not defined.
  • Fixed – IOS 9 support

2021-2-8 – 1.5.1

  • Fixed – Bug where LinkedIn share on Refer a Friend was not displaying properly and some preview images were not dispalying.

2021-1-22 – 1.5

  • Added – Leave a Comment Action
  • Added – Write a Blog Post Action
  • Added – Subscribe to RSS Action
  • Added – Pass Email and Name in by URL

2020-12-16 – 1.4.1

  • Fixed – Instagram Embedded Posts

2020-12-03 – 1.4.0

  • Added – LinkedIn Follow Action
  • Added – LinkedIn Share Action
  • Added – Made Permissions Filterable
  • Fixed – Image Submission Total Count Error
  • Fixed – Showing Entries for Email with the + sign in them
  • Fixed – Escaping Characters on Entries and Exports
  • Tweak – Conditionally load our js scripts
  • Tweak – Use JS to Set Referral Cookie to avoid caching issues
  • Tweak – Detect WPEngine and use alternative random winner method

2020-09-21 1.3.8

  • Fixed – Race condition was still appearing in some instances. 

2020-09-15 1.3.6, 1.3.7

  • Fixed – Race condition with when Facebook login and the visit Facebook page action exist together.

2020-09-10 1.3.5

  • Tweak – PHP 7.4 compatibility
  • Fixed- iOS bug –  Visit Page action opens in separate windows to force focus
  • Tweak – Refactor resize script
  • Tweak – Singular and Plural “Ways to Enter” based on actions. 
  • Fixed – Allow multiple of the same instance without conflicts

2020-08-19 1.3.4

  • Tweak – Switched Facebook Login to use the Facebook Javascript API and you can now use your own app id.
  • Tweak – Add data table term to be translated.

2020-8-10 – 1.3.3

  • Added – Visual Editor and HTML toggle for description
  • Added – WordPress 5.5. Auto Updates support
  • Fixed – Multiple IPs format issue on CSV export
  • Fixed – Ensure UTF-8 on export
  • Tweak – Removed Action Scheduler in favor of a remote queue system for better reliability.

2020-7-6 – 1.3.2

  • Added – Completely new queue system w/ monitor under tools
  • Added – Text Editor to Description
  • Added – no index header to iframe
  • Added – Inline Remote Notifications
  • Fixed – yes/no translation issue
  • Fixed – issue on mobile Safari and mailto links
  • Tweak – header on referral and confirm page to avoid server caching.
  • Tweak – add doc ready to js load

2020-1-13 – 1.3.1

  • Pro and Free – Fixed – Pagination issue
  • Pro – Fixed – undefined variable on export
  • Pro – Fixed – display of multiple choice answers on the export of entries.

2019-12-05 – 1.3.0

  • Pro and Free – Added – Recaptcha Support
  • Pro – Fixed – Image submission viewing paging issue.
  • Pro and Free – Fixed – Issue where line breaks were not being added on the prize description screen
  • Pro – Fixed –  Bug where removing a second prize image would also remove an action.
  • Pro – Fixed – ios devices Refer a Friend email window not opening
  • Pro and Free – Fixed -pagination issue when changing filters on users screen
  • Pro and Free – Tweak – Show Winner Selection Panel when clicking “Needs Winners”
  • Pro and Free – Tweak – When disqualifying a winner also reset any winning entries.

2019-11-11 – 1.2.9

  • Pro – Added ability to show Refer a Friend with Mandatory actions.
  • Pro – Tweak refer URL with backwards compatibility.
  • Pro – Fixed, approve refer a frend entries when an email is manually approved. 

2019-11-06 – 1.2.8

  • Pro and Free – Fix fields missing on the rules generator
  • Pro and Free – removed permalink rendering dependency
  • Pro – Removed any javascript on postbacks to prevent requests from being blocked when embedding a Facebook or Instagram post.
  • Pro and Free – WordPress 5.3 compatibility update
  • Pro and Free – Added alternate winner draw method if the user is on WPEngine. WPEngine blocks the rand function.
  • Pro – Added Convert Kit integration
  • Pro – Fixed an edge case where selecting a shared image would replace the prize image if no saved had been performed.

2019-10-01 –

  • Pro and Free – Ensure database migrations run when going from free to pro and on the activation
  • Pro and Fee – Fixed some PHP variable undefined notices

2019-09-30 – 1.2.7

  • Pro – Added GDPR consent feature
  • Pro – Updated show entires views
  • Pro – Fixed an issue with Daily Entries not being available after 1 day
  • Pro and Free – Added code to help prevent plugin conflicts
  • Pro and Free – Translation updates

2019-09-24 – 1.2.6

  • Pro – Added Polls and Survey Action

2019-09-23 –

  • Pro – Fixed an issue with Daily entries not resetting properly.

2019-09-19 – 1.2.4

  • Pro – Image Submission Action
  • Free and Pro – Catch any javascript errors when displaying giveaway
  • Pro – Single quote was being escaped in custom CSS which has been fixed.

2019-09-10 – 1.2.3

  • Pro – Tweak Prevent IOS from YouTube video in a modal.
  • Free and Pro – Prevent iOS from zooming in on the fields 
  • Pro – Fixed referral count display.
  • Pro – Fixed missing translation strings.

2019-08-27 – 1.2.2

  • Free – Fixed issue with Twitter Follow verification

2019-08-27 – 1.2.1

  • Pro – Fixed issue where the Facebook preview was getting parent page open graph data if embedded.
  • Pro – Fixed some people were receiving multiple summary email per day

2019-08-23 – 1.2.0

  • Pro – Added the ability to trigger the email newsletter action on sign up.

2019-08-18 – 1.1.4

  • Free and Pro – Fix Issue where Entry Confirmation button did not show on the lastest version of iOS12/Safari and the native app was installed like YouTube

2019-08-18 – 1.1.3

  • Free – Text Update on Welcome Page

2019-08-18 – 1.1.2 

  • Pro – Allow HTML in the invent your own action.
  • Free and Pro – Set initial iframe height fix
  • Free – Text Update

2019-08-16 – 1.1.0

  • Pro – Added the ability to validate and answer to a question.
  • Pro – Added the refer a friend data to exports
  • Pro – Added the ability to give entries just by signing up.
  • Free and Pro – Added Thank you message string that can be translated.
  • Free and Pro – Fixed Nextgen Gallery compatibility issue.
  • Free and Pro – Tweaked single seconds in countdown know have a leading 0

2019-08-13 – 1.0.18

  • Fixed Iframe height issue in Chrome
  • PRO Fixed background image was not displaying unless color was selected.
  • PRO Export and Display Answers to Invent Your Own entries
  • PRO Fixed an issue with undefined if no refer a friend email subject or body is defined

2019-08-05 – 1.0.17

  • Fixed some issues related to translations
  • Fixed conflict with GoogleSiteKit plugin

2019-08-01 – 1.0.16

  • Fixed issue with HTML in update emails
  • Fixed sync issue with toggle buttons
  • Add Made all text strings translatable


  • Fixed edge case datepicker timezone issue


  • Fixed issue with countdown text


  • Fixed Issue with Affiliate links


  • Fixed Issue with Lazy Loaded Iframes


  • Fixed Cloudflare Rocket Loader compatibility
  • Fixed typos
  • Fixed Action when they are embedded as an Instagram link in the bio
  • Moved Daily Callout


  • Fixed compatibility issues with older versions of MySQL


  • Fixed – mobile issues


  • Fixed iframe issue
  • Added limit sign-ups per IP
  • Fixed typo
  • Sanitize Fields


  • Initial Release


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